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Chevron Point

Home away from home

Chevron Point is situated on Sheep's Head, one of West Cork's peninsulas that stretches into the Atlantic between Bantry Bay and Dunmanus Bay. The property comprises a traditional farmhouse and a guesthouse, nestled on secluded land, sheltered by old Monterey pines and overlooking Ahakista Bay.

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Main Cottage

Guest Cottage

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A twenty-minute stroll down the hill takes you to Ahakista, the little village nestled in the sun-kissed bay of Ahakista. Although small in size, it boasts the best pub in West Cork, Arundel's by the Pier, and not to forget the other best pub, the Tin Pub. Enjoy a swim or savor a cake at the Heron Gallery Cafe and Gardens.

Sheep's head

The least visited and arguably the most original of the five peninsulas in Ireland's southwest.

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Go swimming in one spectacular spot after another.

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Visit the beautiful towns of West-Cork.

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Explore Ireland's spectacular landscape by foot.